Jo Marsden
I'm delighted and honoured to be the new BADS President. I follow in illustrious footsteps and would like to thank Kim Russon, who is now BADS Immediate Past-President for her help in easing me into this role and the support of my fellow BADS Council colleagues. Collectively, we will endeavour to continue to promote excellence in day surgery, underpinned by the enthusiasm of BADS members. BADS is one the few UK medical associations that is truly multi-disciplinary, welcoming healthcare professionals, allied health care practitioners and managers into its fold. This is what makes BADS so 'special' as everyone's opinions are relevant and count, regardless of their role in the day surgery pathway.
Joining BADS Council from September 2021 will be Joellene Mitchell, a consultant anaesthetist at The University Hospital, Ayr and Rachel Tibble, a consultant anaesthetist at The Royal Derby Hospital. Their profiles will soon be available on the BADS website, along with current Council members. We say goodbye to departing council members, Mary Stocker and Alex Alen, thanking them for all the great work they have contributed.
Looking back over past editions of JODS, the incoming President's letter usually reflects on the annual June conference. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, unfortunately, this did not occur but was replaced by a very successful virtual conference in March, which is reported on in this edition of JODS by Fiona Belfield. The good news is that we are well ahead with plans for our annual conference in June of next year in Nottingham, which will be face-to face. We are continuing to develop BADS new website (
www.bads.co.uk) and will be announcing additional benefits for members over the coming months.
Last but not least, is the fact that BADS public profile is growing as reflected in the expansion of collaborations with other organisations, who realise the importance of day surgery in the recovery of surgical services. Membership has increased in parallel, which is fantastic and will only strengthen our purpose further.