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Editorial: David Bunting « Contents

Dave Bunting

In this first edition of JODS 2020, I am pleased to announce that abstract submission for the Annual Conference being held at the Cardiff City Hall on 25th and 26th June is open. Please submit your abstract as soon as possible via the link below:

Conference Abstract Submission

If you are considering submitting an abstract or attending the conference, I would like to remind you at this stage to book your study leave with your trust for the Conference as soon as possible.

Registration for the Conference is also open. Please take advantage of the early bird rates available until 1st May:

Annual Conference Registration

Free Conference Registration!

Please note that this year BADS will be offering a free conference registration place for one nurse or allied health professional to any Hospitals/Trusts booking 10 two-day conference places for their staff.

Invitation to Council

BADS will soon be advertising for positions on Council. This is a fantastic opportunity for BADS members to become more involved with the association and I would strongly encourage any interested members to apply. Details will be posted on the BADS website in early March.

This year BADS again plans to co-host several national and regional meetings in association with external organisations such as Health Care Conferences UK (HCUK):

Further details of all the above conferences can be found in this edition of JODS.

Original papers in this edition of JODS include a comparison of Intra-capsular Coblation Tonsillectomy vs. traditional Dissection Tonsillectomy; an audit of One The Day Theatre Cancellations and a quality improvement project assessing the benefits of introducing a patient information video as part of the informed consent process for laparoscopic cholecystectomy.

The importance of day surgery in the national political agenda has been emphasised again through work done by Getting it Right First Time (GIRFT). Significant variation in day surgery performance has been highlight across the country and several STPs are undertaking initiatives to reduce variation and increase the proportion of patients being treated on a day case basis.

Finally, I would like to welcome Andrei Tanase to the BADS Council as our new Surgical Trainee Representative. Andrew is the Severn Deanery Representative for the Association of Surgeons in Training (ASiT) and his full biography can be found in this edition of JODS.

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